David Klinowski

Visiting Assistant Professor of Marketing and Business Economics

Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business

University of Pittsburgh

Email: dklinowski@katz.pitt.edu



  1. Differences in time usage as a competing hypothesis for observed group differences in accuracy with an application to observed gender differences in PISA data, with Radhika Kapoor, Erin Fahle, Klint Kanopka, Ana Trindade Ribeiro, and Benjamin W. Domingue, 2024.
    Accepted, Journal of Educational Measurement.
  2. Gender and preferences for performance feedback, with Katherine B. Coffman, 2024.
    Accepted, Management Science.
  3. Voicing disagreement in science: Missing women, 2023.
    Forthcoming, Review of Economics and Statistics
    Experimental instructions
    Media: BITSS, Marginal Revolution, National Affairs
  4. Reluctant Donors and their Reactions to Social Information.
    Experimental Economics, 2021, 24:515-535.
    Replication files
    Media: The Chronicle of Philanthropy
  5. The Impact of Penalties for Wrong Answers on the Gender Gap in Test Scores, with Katherine B. Coffman.
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2020, 117(16):8794-8803.
    Media: Boston Globe, National Affairs
  6. The Completion Effect in Charitable Crowdfunding, with Nichole Argo, Tamar Krishnamurti, and Sarah Smith.
    Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2020, 172:17-32.
    Media: The Chronicle of Philanthropy
  7. Selection into Self-Improvement and Competition Pay: Gender, Stereotypes, and Earnings Volatility.
    Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2019, 158:128-146.
  8. Gender Differences in Giving in the Dictator Game: The Role of Reluctant Altruism.
    Journal of the Economic Science Association, 2018, 4(2):110-122.
  9. Enhancing Autonomy to Motivate Effort: An Experiment on the Delegation of Contract Choice, with Shereen Chaudhry, 2016. In S.J. Goerg, J.R. Hamman (ed.), Research in Experimental Economics, vol.19., Experiments in Organizational Economics, pp. 141-157. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

Working Papers

  1. Gender-equality paradox in competitiveness: Evidence and explanations, with Muriel Niederle, 2024.
  2. Punctuated decline of human cooperation, with Nicholas Sabin and Felix Reed-Tsochas, 2024. Resubmission invited, Nature.

Older Papers

  1. Impaired Awareness in Huntington Disease: Medical Evidence in Relation to the Optimal Expectations Model, with Jane S. Paulsen, 2013.
